Monique Doughty, BSN, RN also known as “Nurse Mo” grew up in Philadelphia, PA, USA. She has an 8-year history as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. Monique has transitioned her career as a bedside nurse to becoming a fulltime: entrepreneur, motivational speaker, digital influencer, travel host, career and confidence coach. She attended the HBCU Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. Although Monique struggled in nursing school she managed to graduate in 2010 with a Bachelor of Nursing Science with honors.
Monique often describes her experience at Hampton as invaluable and says it saved her life from all the troubles she encountered growing up in Philadelphia. After college, she moved to Atlanta to pursue a career in Nursing, but it wasn’t that simple. She failed her nursing boards twice, she was humiliated. Instead of giving up Monique took a job as a nursing assistant to explore the medical profession until she passed her boards one year later. Her short time as a nursing assistant was humbling and made her truly value patient care, her work also instilled the utmost respect for all members of the medical team.
In 2012 she jump-started her career at the #1 Level Trauma Center in Atlanta and began working in Intensive Care.
“ My first job as an intensive care RN was the most challenging, nerve-wracking and clarifying experience of my life, I was in charge of caring for critically ill humans with little support and on top of that there was so much nurse to nurse bullying involved. The skillset I was developing was incredible however, the conditions were not what I hoped for and my job quickly led me to unhealthy habits and depression. At 24 I was burned out from a career I worked so hard to be in, so I turned inward. I began to ask myself, what do I deserve? I knew my calling was to help people but I wanted to feel good while doing so. My initial fix was travel nursing with hopes for a lifestyle change.”
Monique began travel nursing in 2014 and also dove deep into self-discovery, she developed a new excitement for life and learned the value in caring for herself, mind, body and spirit. She began blogging about her newfound work-life balance and launched her website the same day as her first travel assignment. Her purpose was to ensure she was being an impactful media representation for African-American healthcare professionals.
Since then, she has traveled to many states working at the top institutions in the country in various aspects of critical care including Cardiac Intensive Care, Liver Transplant Intensive Care, Trauma Intensive Care, and Neurosurgical Critical Care. Monique also travels the world for leisure as a solo female traveler, this empowered her audience to begin to do the same. She now hosts both luxury trips and medical missions to help those who do not want to travel alone. In 2019 she hosted trips to Bali, Kenya, and Nicaragua.
Monique’s transparency about her life’s highs and lows was a breath of fresh air to the social media world that can have toxic ideals of perfection, she instead encourages her audience to strive for resilience. Her primary social platform is Instagram; @Iamnursmo and @theresilientnurse. With the two social channels combined, she has a network of over 180K following, primarily women.
In 2018 Monique took 11 months away from the bedside to focus on her brand, she went back to her exploratory question “ What do I deserve?” The answer she was given was to focus solely on her primal goal which is and always will be to help people. In 2019 she left the bedside and decided to help people in a different way than at the bedside.
Monique created the Resilient Nurse Influencer Program and Scholarship to serve as support for healthcare workers. has over thirty representatives and content writers that share their unique struggles, advice, accomplishments, and backgrounds in healthcare. The Resilient Nurse serves the medical community as a source of mentorship and advocates for mindfulness and self-care.
Through all of her, work Monique motivates and provides tools for her audience and clients to design the lives they love and to ask themselves the question “ What do I deserve?” Her purpose is to motivate, uplift and empower women to remove limiting beliefs her voice is to encourage her audience that their possibilities are limitless. She encourages those facing adversity to use this as a stepping stone to be resilient. Her audience has grown beyond nurses, to all women who need a push towards fearlessly believing in their self-worth and power. Monique is constantly doing the work to expand to her full potential, she empowers her clients to explore themselves deeper so that they can move with love and never be stagnated by complacency or fear.